Living miDream  Framework


Living miDream is built upon four major areas of focus. 

  1. Reflection is a process for obtaining valid information about one’s performance and the factors that influence it. Reflection enables us to evaluate our own experiences, understand how we think, learn from our mistakes, repeat successes, and revise and plan.

  2. Manifesting is a process that allows us to create what we want in our lives. There is a connection between the power of the mind and what happens in our life.  People are realizing their own innate power to bring their desires into their reality.

  3. Digital literacy goes beyond technical knowledge.  The enGauge model provides a basis for considering our basic literacy, visual literacy, and cultural literacy. It emphasizes the important role of inventive thinking, communication and how we effectively use real-world tools in highly productive ways.

  4. Advocacy focuses upon how we create a culture that supports opportunities for learning and personal growth that go beyond standardized tests and promotes entrepreneurial thinking.

For each individual there is a moment of discovery - finding a pathway to discovering our passion and understanding who we are.

miDream  asks you to consider three essential questions.

Who am I?
Where do I want to go?
How might I get there?

Changing our way of thinking must become a priority.